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Root-to-Rise Program - Part 1: ROOTS
Welcome to Root-to-Rise - Part 1: Roots
Introduction (3:09)
Meet Your Instructor: Chandra Lynn, MBA & Certified Coach (4:26)
Root-to-Rise Framework (1:02)
Getting Started
Download Your Workbook
Download Your Infographic
Root-to-Rise Definitions
Stage 1: Needs - Understanding your Human Needs
Needs - Description (0:43)
Intro to Human Needs Psychology (4:42)
Need 1: Security (2:32)
Need 2: Variety (3:12)
Need 3: Self (3:07)
Need 4: Intimacy (2:11)
Need 5: Growth (3:53)
Need 6: Transcendence (4:20)
Your Human Needs
Completion: Needs
How To Know Stage One is Done
Stage 2: Roots - Understanding Your Root System
Roots - Description
Roots of Life Intro (3:48)
The Five Roots of Life
Root 1: Health/Fitness
Root 2: Family
Root 3: Romantic Partner
Root 4: Career
Root 5: Friends
Your Root System
Tap Roots (2:04)
Completion: Roots
How To Know When Stage 2: Roots Is Done
Stage 3: Clearing Obstacles
Clearing Obstacles Intro (3:45)
Honoring Driving Needs
Meeting Needs & Breaking Unhealthy Patterns
Meeting Needs with Romantic Affairs
Meeting Your Needs with Food
Feeling Stuck - Pain, Fears & Limiting Beliefs
How to Get Unstuck
Double Binds
Completion: Clearing Obstacles
How To Know When Stage 3: Clearing Obstacles Is Done
Thank You!
Thank You! (1:51)
Roots - Description
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